telecon Thursday?


How do people feel about a Thursday AM telecon?

Continuing the recent trend, it has been quiet on email, and there isn't 
much active business.  Pending business includes...

The OASIS 15 day ballot is in progress.  Chris has been asked to move the 
W3C errata file to replace the dummy that is currently referenced from the 
Rec WebCGM 2.0 Status section.

The ball is in CGMO-OASIS WebCGM TC court still.  There will not likely be 
a late May meeting of the TC.  But it is searching for a summer meeting 
date.  There is interest in further work, but requirements need to be 
firmed, scope decided, and technical work launched.

Long story short ... if the TC (where most of the energy and all of the 
funding resides) decide NOT to proceed, then the WG likely won't have a 
future beyond finishing any errata work.  If the TC proceeds, then the WG 
might have a useful future, along the lines of the 2.0 collaboration.


Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2007 17:35:55 UTC