Thursday WG telecon postponed


The Thursday 11/30 telecon will be postponed till next week (6-dec) -- next 
week is better timing for events in progress and for various travel.

We should start to discuss what we want to do during the remaining 6 months 
of the chartered life of the WG (assuming REC in early January).  Picking 
possibilities from the Charter [1]:

Deliverables / Tracking and maintenance items:
# Collect and publish any pending WebCGM 1.0 errata. If required, collect 
these together and publish a WebCGM 1.0 third release.
# Collect and publish errata for the new WebCGM 2.0.
# The WebCGM WG may produce related usage guidelines as time, expertise, 
and other resources permit.

# Rec (and OASIS Standard) -- 1 November 2006
# PER of WebCGM 1.0 -- 1 December 2006
# Post-Rec publicity and evangelism - to May 2007

REC 1.0 Errata is a concrete work item.  We have been remiss in keeping a 
list as we hurried through 2.0 development, but I recall at least one that 
we intended to publish (clarification of ambiguities in the IRI, URI, 
non-ascii characters stuff).  I'm sure there are others.

The other work items will intersect activities in the WebCGM TC 
(CGMO/OASIS), and we will need to sort that out.

Discussion welcome (on this list, in telecon, etc).



Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2006 21:36:50 UTC