IRI versus URI terminology

Hi Chris,

I have the action item to fix the terminology, by changing "URI" to "IRI" 
where appropriate -- unfinished Boeing item #24 [0].


I'm thinking that some material like [2] & [3] from Tiny 1.2 ought to go 
into WebCGM section 3.1 [1], and/or into a new informative discussion 
section of Chapter 2.  Your thoughts about that?

I find "URI" 105 places in the WebCGM 2.0 (Submission) spec.  I'm thinking 
the following general guidelines should get it right in most places:

a.) Most "URI" in the document should be changed to "IRI", except most of 
those in should remain "URI".  Any exceptions to this?

b.) What about the commonly used phrase, "URI fragment" or "URI fragment 
syntax"?  (Which refers to 3986 "fragment identifiers", applied to the 
WebCGM fragment per the rules of 3.1).  Is it correct to change these to 
"IRI fragment"?  I looked again at 3986 and 3987 and the answer isn't 
completely obvious to me.  However, Tiny 1.2 seems to do it that way [2], [3].

c.) namespace URI?  (Occurrences in ch.4 and ch.5).  I assume that gets 
changed to "namespace IRI"?

You advice is appreciated.



Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2006 23:20:11 UTC