Re: picture behaviors

Another interesting reference (Dec. 2005), with a fair amount of discussion 
of "picture behaviors":

I notice, however, that it has all disappeared from the current CDRF 
editors draft (June 2006):

Did it get re-factored into another document?


At 07:43 AM 7/19/2006 -0600, Lofton Henderson wrote:

>Reading and thinking about the thread, I note this from the 3rd (Chris's 
>final) message:
>>BZ> Wait.  Why "X" and not "S1"?
>>Because that is what WebCGM says for self, and we do the same thing.
>>BZ>  Would the behavior be different if <iframe> were
>>BZ> used instead of <object>?
>>Not that I can see, although the HTML description is less clear and
>>seems to be specific to framesets. I assume that this also applies to
>>iframe, but perhaps it does not.
>I think WebCGM authors 1999 might have assumed this to be true, that the 
>HTML description was specific to framesets.  In any case, I think they 
>only were interested in framesets in mind when they wrote this stuff.
>Note that HTML does draw some distinctions between frames (framesets and 
>iframe) and <object>...  "Notes on embedded documents",
>By my reading, unfortunately, there is still some ambiguity in HTML about 
>frames and objects.  Perhaps CDF helps (I'll look at that next).
>Bottom line:  I do know there was no serious discussion of <object> and 
>iframe when this stuff was first drafted (by JG) and incorporated into 
>WebCGM 1.0 in 1999.  In following SVG's lead to generalize the original 
>1999 stuff, we certainly have not yet sorted out all of the various new 
>scenarios that are opened up as valid scenarios.
>Other interesting HTML references:
>About <object>s:
>About frames, iframes, etc:
>More later,
>At 10:37 AM 7/17/2006 -0600, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>At 03:18 PM 7/17/2006 +0200, Chris Lilley wrote:
>>>Hello public-webcgm-wg,
>>>SVG WG recently had some comments about the target attribute, which is
>>>drawn from WebCGM 1 picture behaviors. The thread is at:
>>>The commentor claims that what WebCGM and SVG do is different to what
>>>HTML does - specifically with iframe.
>>>A quick review (and pointing out if I have misunderstood WebCGM picture
>>>behaviors) would be helpful.
>>Let's put it on the Thursday telecon.  Everyone, please read and ponder 
>>the issues raised in the thread.
>>I briefly note some history here:
>>1.) WebCGM 1.0 1999 -- everything was *only* defined in terms of (X)HTML 
>>frames (no objects, no iframes, etc);
>>2.) SVG borrowed and generalized to other presentational contexts;
>>3.) WebCGM 2.0, in response to a reviewer comment, followed SVG lead by 
>>generalizing the presentational contexts (May 2006), to be more "CDF friendly".
>>That said, I myself have not carefully thought through all the scenarios, 
>>in the 2.0 generalized contexts, in all of the permutations and 
>>combinations.  I doubt many in the WebCGM community have done so, as this 
>>was driven less by constituent use cases than by our attempts to align 
>>more smoothly with other W3C technologies.
>>Chris, I hope you can be at the Thursday telecon?  You have probably 
>>thought more carefully about it in SVG-like generality (I recall that 
>>there have been past SVG discussions).

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2006 13:09:19 UTC