Re: CORRECTION -- Re: next WebCGM telecon 22-dec?

Meanwhile, please ask your company about the Testimonial for the Press 
Maybe people could report on status of their testimonials during the 
next telecon.

Cruikshank, David W wrote:
>  I guess, it might be ok to have a short telecon to touch base, but it's
> unlikely that we can do any business until we get through all WebCGM
> processing.
> Thx...Dave
> Technical Fellow - Graphics/Digital Data Interchange
> Boeing Commercial Airplane
> 206.544.3560, fax 206.662.3734
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lofton Henderson [] 
> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 6:55 PM
> To: WebCGM WG
> Subject: CORRECTION -- Re: next WebCGM telecon 22-dec?
> Sorry, the proposed next telecon date was Thursday, 21st December (not
> 22nd)...
> At 10:47 AM 12/11/2006 -0700, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>> All --
>> The minutes omitted ... when should be the next WG telecon?  The three 
>> present on 7-dec thought that 22-dec might be a good idea.  If not then
>> ... then it won't happen till after the first of the new year.
>> Thoughts?
>> Topics list is still somewhat slim...
>> 1.) status report (mostly OASIS progression, which is expected to be in
>> OS ballot by then).
>> 2.) status of joint press release, testimonials -- it's in Janet's and 
>> Carol's hands now.  Whether there is anything that we (the WG) need to 
>> do about it in the near future is uncertain.
>> 3.) another WG F2F?  The first question to answer is:  what WG work is 
>> there for a F2F?  We think that the OASIS TC will probably want to meet
>> early in the year, and the possibility would exist for a joint meeting.
>> (Tho' that would probably take a couple years to get mgmt approval, if 
>> it were actually presented as a "joint meeting".)
>> 4.) work plan for the WG from now till 5/31/07, when Charter expires.  
>> How should WG spend these 5 months?  See [13], [13] 
>> Regards,
>> -Lofton.
>> At 06:27 PM 12/7/2006 -0700, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>> WebCGM WG --
>>> The minutes are at
>>> .html
>>> and also available as text, below.
>>>    [1]W3C
>>>       [1]
>>>                                - DRAFT -
>>>                                WebCGM WG
>>>                               7 Dec 2006
>>>    [2]Agenda
>>>       [2] 
>>>    See also: [3]IRC log
>>>       [3]
>>> Attendees
>>>    Present
>>>           Lofton, Dave, Stuart
>>>    Regrets
>>>           Thierry, Dieter, Benoit
>>>    Absent
>>>           Don, Chris
>>>    Chair
>>>           Lofton
>>>    Scribe
>>>           Dave
>>> Contents
>>>      * [4]Topics
>>>          1. [5]roll call 11:00am ET, membership, agenda
>>>          2. [6]routine WG business
>>>          3. [7]report on spec status in OASIS
>>>          4. [8]report on spec status in W3C
>>>          5. [9]Press Release and Testimonials
>>>          6. [10]Future work in WG
>>>          7. [11]Do we plan to have another F2F?
>>>      * [12]Summary of Action Items
>>>      _________________________________________________________
>>>    <scribe> Scribe: Dave
>>>    <lofton> zakim this is WebCGM
>>> roll call 11:00am ET, membership, agenda
>>> routine WG business
>>>    none
>>> report on spec status in OASIS
>>>    <lofton> (On roll call -- no quorum)
>>>    2 week OASIS review has started
>>>    <lofton> OS ballot starts on Dec 16th
>>> report on spec status in W3C
>>>    <lofton> According to Thierry, all was positive.
>>> Press Release and Testimonials
>>>    <lofton> It's in the hands of Carol and Janet, and we have no
>>>    further information.
>>> Future work in WG
>>>    <lofton> I suggest that we postpone this till we have a quorum,
>>>    except...
>>>    see:
> [13]
>>>    6.html
>>>      [13]
>>> l
>>>    <lofton> what do we three think about "supersede"?
>>>    <lofton> Agreed: 2.0 does NOT supersede 1.0. Thierry (in email)
>>>    agreed with this.
>>>    <lofton> Postpone rest of this topic till later.
>>> Do we plan to have another F2F?
>>>    <lofton> What WG work is there that would suggest a F2F?
>>>    <lofton> (Need to answer that question first -- email dialog
>>>    needed.)
>>>    Ajourned: 11:25 EST
>>> Summary of Action Items
>>>    [End of minutes]
>>>      _________________________________________________________
>>>     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [14]scribe.perl version 1.127
>>>     ([15]CVS log)
>>>     $Date: 2006/12/08 01:25:08 $
>>>      _________________________________________________________
>>>      [14]
>>>      [15]

Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2006 18:09:37 UTC