from April 2023 by subject

04/05/2023 W3C Web Authentication Meeting

04/19/2023 W3C Web Authentication Meeting moved to 04/21/2023 as a Face To Face

04/21/2023 W3C Web Authentication Meeting


[w3c/webauthn] 29a869: Add userDisplayName and vendorDisplayName to credP...

[w3c/webauthn] 38b016: Add smart-card to transports enum

[w3c/webauthn] 5c9e1c: Include this "Easily accessing credential data" fi...

[w3c/webauthn] 63992c: Merge pull request #1879 from w3c/tc-1842-toporigi...

[w3c/webauthn] 858eb9: add topOrigin verification logicfor authentication

[w3c/webauthn] 8dd719: Rename credential record displayName to authentica...

[w3c/webauthn] 9d14a1: Mark all JSON fields as required.

[w3c/webauthn] d2b4dd: Merge userDisplayName and vendorDisplayName into a...

[w3c/webauthn] d2bedb: Merge pull request #1865 from pascoej/issue-1835-a...

[w3c/webauthn] d42c47: Merge userDisplayName and vendorDisplayName into a...

[webauthn] "android-key" and "android-safetynet" are really basic attestation type support? (#1819)

[webauthn] Add topOrigin to clientData for cross-origin GET in iframe (#1842)

[webauthn] Add userDisplayName and vendorDisplayName to credProps (#1880)

[webauthn] Allow conditional and modal flows to run simultaneously (#1854)

[webauthn] Clarify how to differentiate between exceptions (#1859)

[webauthn] Credential discovery is unclear (#1789)

[webauthn] Cross-origin credential creation in iframes (#1656)

[webauthn] Enforce backup eligibility during assertion (#1791)

[webauthn] Mark all JSON fields as required. (#1878)

[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Add smart-card to transports enum

[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: add topOrigin verification logic for get

[webauthn] new commits pushed by agl

[webauthn] new commits pushed by emlun

[webauthn] new commits pushed by github-actions[bot]

[webauthn] new commits pushed by pascoej

[webauthn] new commits pushed by timcappalli

[webauthn] Possibility to filter displayed authenticators by certified level (#1816)

[webauthn] Pull Request: add topOrigin verification logic for get

[webauthn] Pull Request: Add userDisplayName and vendorDisplayName to credProps

[webauthn] Pull Request: Mark all JSON fields as required.

[webauthn] Should an RP be able to provide finer grained authenticator filtering in attestation options? (#1688)

[webauthn] Variable reference issue in DPK processing rules (#1817)

[webauthn] Which "pubKeyCredParams" to use? (#1757)

apple-appattest attestation format

Closed: [webauthn] Add "smart-card" to AuthenticatorTransport enum (WebKit) (#1835)

Closed: [webauthn] Credential discovery is unclear (#1789)

Closed: [webauthn] Possibility to filter displayed authenticators by certified level (#1816)

Closed: [webauthn] Variable reference issue in DPK processing rules (#1817)

Event Canceled: Web Authentication bi-weekly

Event Updated: WebAuthn face-to-face meeting

WebAuthN Working Group at TPAC 2023?

Weekly github digest (WebAuthn)

Last message date: Saturday, 29 April 2023 20:18:09 UTC