Re: [webauthn] Discussing mechanisms for enterprise RP's to enforce bound properties of credentials (#1739)

> Wouldn't DPK support (PR#1663) be sufficient? Essentially not preventing the multi-device key, but ensuring an additional single-device key being established _per device_.

DPK is only known *after* the authentication and would be rejected by the RP during that process. And it relies on the authenticator providing DPK. 

Imagine the workflow here as:

* RP sends challenge
* Client browser presents a UI for what authenticators are viable
* Authenticator is chosen and interacted with
* Browser sends response to RP
* RP either accepts or rejects the registration
* Client browser renders success or error.

Right now, we have to do this *full* process, and then render and error at the end. That then means the error has the burden to communicate to the user *why* their authenticator was not allowed to be used in this context. But this isn't nice for the user.

We have a step here near the start - the browser presents a UI for what authenticators are viable. If at that point we imposed a constraint, then we never need to error and communicate that to the user. They have a subset of their authenticators that are "more likely" to succeed in the ceremony. This is a better user experience, it's a lot easier to communicate to users, and RP's can produce a better workflow. 

DPK would again, be sending is back to that full-error process, the same as "check the backup bits". What is being asked for here is the ability to guide that UX in a way that we have constraints available. 

For more of a summary about this 

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