Re: [webauthn] devicePubKey extension MUST be supported if multi-device WebAuthn credentials are used (#1691)

Seriously, folks??

It would seem to me, that when dozens to hundreds of FIDO manufacturers have invested years into implementing FIDO solutions with certain security notions, as a courtesy to all that effort and investments - and to instill the principle of "**secure by default**" - the DEFAULT for a FIDO credential should ALWAYS be a hardware-bound key-pair, with NO possibility of ever extracting, copying, cloning, moving, synchronizing or backing up that key-pair to anything, anywhere. If new entrants to the market desire convenience and are willing to sacrifice security for that illusory benefit, **then** those people/companies should bear the burden of new extension request and response processing, and dealing with the ensuing complexity. Why should the people/companies who have invested more than 7 years into building "secure by default" FIDO solutions have to perform ANY additional work _just to maintain_ what they always believed the FIDO value-proposition would be?

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