Re: [webauthn] Cross origin authentication without iframes (accommodating SPC in WebAuthn) (#1667)

One thing we discussed a bit on the 2021-12-15 call: there's some risk of introducing a (weak) de-anonymization attack vector here. Say a malicious website wants to confirm a guess at someone's identity, and knows some of their SPC credential IDs. The malicious website could nag the victim with an SPC prompt to authorize a payment of $0 or something, [until the victim agrees just to get rid of it]( The malicious website has now successfully identified the victim, and the important point here is that the victim never registered to the malicious site. This kind of attack is currently possible only on the domain where the credential was created, but cross-origin credentials could be vulnerable to this on any domain.

It's a weak attack since the attacker needs to already know the victim's credential IDs, but this does mean that SPC/cross-origin credentials would have (slightly) weaker privacy guarantees than "first-party"/"same-origin" credentials (all current WebAuthn credentials). Especially since SPC as currently proposed shares credential IDs across domains, significantly increasing their exposure.

The main mitigation I can see is if RPs have to actively opt in to cross-origin credentials, and ideally not by a single binary setting but by an allow-list of domains (either a static list or a dynamic query like how `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` works in CORS). That wouldn't prevent the attack, strictly speaking, but it would limit the attack surface to some set of "trusted" origins defined by the credential issuer. Although that set might in practice end up being "allow any domain" in many cases anyway...

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