Re: [webauthn] Can the private keys be used for other cryptographic operations? (#1595)

> FYI/FWIW, there is an existing, relevant, _tho apparently dormant_, [Hardware-backed Security Services Community Group](, whose unfinished draft report takes a stab at a WebCrypto-linked [Secure Credential Storage API](,-This).

@equalsJeffH Yes, thanks for highlighting this here. I also stumbled across this dormant group and spec draft. This spec and another one I found have just an author or two — unfortunately seems that they never went anywhere.

@rlin1 Interesting about the `isKeyRestricted` property. The fact that this is an option maybe suggests the spec authors wanted to leave open use cases beyond authentication? @Firstyear Perhaps using one restricted key for authentication only and another unrestricted key for other cryptographic operations would address part of your concern. Unfortunately, WebCrypto isn't really a comparable solution. It does enable more general cryptography but not tied to the device hardware, which makes it vulnerable to malware, physical takeover, etc.

@nuno0529 Are you saying that because the metadata can be arbitrary, signing data for purposes other than simple authentication is allowed by the spec?

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