Re: [webauthn] Clarify How Client Data is Sent to Authenticator (#1443)

> There are also the subsections where it's not clear yet imo:
>     * [5.2.1](, here it even says `The exact JSON serialization MUST be preserved, as the hash of the serialized client data has been computed over it.` which doesn't make sense if only the hash is transmitted anyway
>     * [5.2.2](, same
> Wouldn't it be useful to rename this field to `clientDataJSONHash`or something similar in a future draft?

These instances are correct. Although only the hash is sent to the authenticator, the RP needs the original, un-hashed `clientDataJSON` in order to verify the content that was signed over. I would not rename this field.

> While looking through the spec I just noticed another anomaly with `clientDataJSON`. In [5.1.3]( and [5.1.4]( during the creation of `credentialCreationData` and `assertionCreationData` it uses `clientDataJSON.clientExtensions` but `clientExtensions` are never a part of `clientDataJSON` as far as I can tell.

Thanks, good catch! Those should probably be `|options|.{{PublicKeyCredential{Creation,Request}Options/extensions}}` instead.

> Is it ok if I use issues for questions with the specification like this or should I use the mailing list?

Issues here are welcome. Questions about specific implementations may be redirected to the mail list or other forums, though.

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Received on Monday, 22 June 2020 13:04:18 UTC