Re: which interface object to use?

Hey thx Jeffrey for the below info. I believe I've applied this in commits I pushed this morning, see diffs in PR #464

thanks for your help on this.


On 5/22/17, 9:07 AM, "Jeffrey Yasskin" <<>> wrote:

This advice comes from, "In general, web platform specifications should use the relevant concept, applied to the object being operated on (usually the this value of the current method)."

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 9:02 AM, Jeffrey Yasskin <<>> wrote:
The general thing to do is to use the relevant settings object of the 'this' object of the algorithm. In, [[Create]] is a method of the PublicKeyCredential interface object, so that wording's correct.In, [[DiscoverFromExternalSource]] is also a method of the PublicKeyCredential interface object, so using the interface object's relevant settings object would be best there too.

Credential Manager finds those interface objects in, which despite being called "relevant ... objects", uses the *current* settings object to look up interface objects, which means that, ...) will use window1.PublicKeyCredential whereas the *relevant* settings object would find window2.PublicKeyCredential. This wouldn't matter for uses of the origin, but I think because WebAuthn pokes at the effective domain, that can be different between the two windows.

Still, I think WebAuthn should stick with the PublicKeyCredential interface's relevant settings object, and leave it to Credential Manager to call a method on the right interface object.


On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 2:57 PM, =JeffH <<>> wrote:
I have some questions for the browser-guts/webIDL experts:

A) In section {#createCredential} we say..

1. Let |callerOrigin| be the [=environment settings object/origin=] specified by this {{PublicKeyCredential}} [=interface object=]'s [=relevant settings object=]. ...


B) In section {#getAssertion} we say..

1. Let |callerOrigin| be the [=environment settings object/origin=] of this {{CredentialsContainer}} object's [=relevant settings object=].


Which one is correct?  Perhaps neither?

Q1. It seems to me that in (A), `this {{PublicKeyCredential}}` actually ought to be `this {{CredentialsContainer}}` I.e., the same as (B)) ? Note that CredMan hangs the create() and get() methods off of `{{CredentialsContainer}}`, /not/ `{{Credential}}`.

Q2. (B) lacks the term `[=interface object=]'s` that (A) has -- is (B) incorrect?

Q3. Any other issues with these assignment statements that y'all expert-types see?



Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 16:41:26 UTC