which interface object to use?

I have some questions for the browser-guts/webIDL experts:

A) In section {#createCredential} we say..

1. Let |callerOrigin| be the [=environment settings object/origin=] 
specified by this {{PublicKeyCredential}} [=interface object=]'s 
[=relevant settings object=]. ...


B) In section {#getAssertion} we say..

1. Let |callerOrigin| be the [=environment settings object/origin=] of 
this {{CredentialsContainer}} object's [=relevant settings object=].


Which one is correct?  Perhaps neither?

Q1. It seems to me that in (A), `this {{PublicKeyCredential}}` actually 
ought to be `this {{CredentialsContainer}}` I.e., the same as (B)) ? 
Note that CredMan hangs the create() and get() methods off of 
`{{CredentialsContainer}}`, /not/ `{{Credential}}`.

Q2. (B) lacks the term `[=interface object=]'s` that (A) has -- is (B) 

Q3. Any other issues with these assignment statements that y'all 
expert-types see?



Received on Thursday, 18 May 2017 21:58:07 UTC