Github setup


As discussed yesterday, I have created a new github organization to host
our work on the wireframe project (as well as possible other repos as we
see fit):

I have also seeded a repo to host our work on the wireframe project:

Please send me your github username if you want to be added to the list
of members of this new organization.

As discussed yesterday, I think both the org name and the repo name can
be revisited up until we start getting more visibility on them (at which
point the name change might be more disruptive than the expected
benefits); if you have suggestions for better names, please share them
on the list.

I also intend to create an admin repo to use as a tool to track action
items (as github issues) - so if you intend to take action items in this
group, please also send me your github username.


Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2020 07:51:29 UTC