Re: Request for Review of TAG AWWW 2nd LC Draft.

>[Bcc'd TAG to avoid further cross-posting]
>I have read (quickly) over Pats annotated version at 

Thanks for doing this excellent summary.

>Interestingly in the 2nd para of his comments after "Assign distinct 
>URI..." he says: "One qualification to the above: it is reasonable 
>to require this kind of unmambiguous distinctness when we expect 
>that URIs will be dereferenced, i.e. used to access things, and the 
>thing accessed is what the meaning is. .... But access is one thing, 
>and naming/reference is something else. Probably this wouldnt 
>matter, if it were not for the fact that semantic web formalisms use 
>URIs to refer with no presumption of accessibility, which rather 
>forces one to make the distinction more carefully. "

Re. the above, a recent msg from Patrick Stickler at Nokia may be 
relevant. He is addressing the topic of 'named graphs' in a 
discussion of whether a blank node could be used as a name (no); but 
I want to draw your attention to the attitude expressed towards URIs 
and naming versus dereference.  (Patrick, forgive me for forwarding 
this without permission.)


.......I wanted to
offer one additional comment...

Even if a URI is required as a graph name, it need not involve
any significant mental or management effort to decide what URI
to use, if either (a) one does not care if the URI is human
readable (mnemmonic) and/or (b) one does not care if the URI
is dereferencable (though I think folks should).

E.g. one can simply employ UUIDs either in an http: URI

or in a uuid: or guid: URI


or in a urn:uuid: URN


etc. etc.

Thus, folks who tend to get their undies in a wad about having to
use http: URIs for stuff they don't consider "web accessible" or
folks who suffer angst about the linguistic baggage potentially
carried by a human readable URIs can relax (a bit).



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Received on Wednesday, 6 October 2004 16:50:39 UTC