Late last-call comment on AWWW

I know this is a late comment, but I think I see an error in AWWW that 
really should be fixed...

Section 4.5.3 asserts that RDF combines namespace URIs with local names 
using an intervening '#'.  This is not correct.  The only time RDF 
introduces a '#' is when forming the URI for an rdf:ID attribute, and in 
this case, the ID is considered relative to the current base URI, not some 
namespace URI.

I do have more comments on sections 3 and 4, but they are more to do with 
style than substance, so I probably shouldn't disturb you with them at this 
late stage.

There is one more that I will mention.  I'm dashing this off hurriedly 
following a plane journey, so this may not be very well expressed...

In section 3.3.1, I feel the terminology concerning "secondary resources" 
is muddled.  The document text (numbered bullets) actually makes it fairly 
clear that there is no such thing distinguished as a secondary 
resource.  This same idea is present in the revised URI spec, and I've been 
uneasy with it there, but I've only just been able to articulate 
why.  Basically, I think resources are resources, with no primary or 
secondary distinction.  However, there are primary resource identifiers 
(URIs without fragments) and secondary identifiers (URIs with fragments), 
but the form of identifier doesn't somehow make the resource of a different 
kind, which I think is a conclusion one might draw from the current wording.


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2004 21:44:47 UTC