- From: Tim Goodwin <tjg@star.le.ac.uk>
- Date: 7 Jan 2004 16:57:33 -0000
- To: public-webarch-comments@w3.org
I have read the 9 December 2003 draft of the "Architecture of the World Wide Web" document, and have a number of suggested improvements. They mainly fix simple typos, but I've also highlighted a couple of places where I feel the language could be improved. I have marked insertions like ^this^, deletions like -this-, and replacements like /that/this/. Hope this is useful. Regards, Tim. -- Tim Goodwin University of Leicester 1.1 The addition ^of^ a conformance section is not likely to increase the utility of the document. 1.1.3 Authors of protocol specifications in particular should invest time in understanding the REST model and consider the role to which ^each^ of its principles could guide their design: statelessness, clear assignment of roles to parties, uniform address space, and a limited, uniform set of verbs. Even with the missing "each" replaced, the sentence doesn't make much sense to me: roles don't guide. Replace "role" with "degree"?? 1.2 A number of general architecture principles apply to -across- all three bases of Web architecture. Either "to" or "across" will do, but not both! The former seems less jargony to me. The fact, for example, that -the- an image can be identified using a URI without needing any information about the representation of that image allowed PNG and SVG to evolve independent^ly^ of the specifications that define image elements. 1.2.2 Some examples... I recommend using semicolons between each list item, and a full stop (period) at the end of the last. 2.1 I initially found this whole section rather confusing. Specifically, the juxtaposition of these two sentences at the beginning of the section makes little sense. Thus, URIs that are not identical (character for character) do not necessarily refer to different resources. The most straightforward way of establishing that two parties are referring to the same Web resource is to compare, as character strings, the URIs they are using. (There's also a full stop missing at the end of the next sentence after these.) I would suggest moving "The most straightforward way..." to the very beginning of the section, then starting the next sentence with "However, ...", like this. The most straightforward way of establishing that two parties are referring to the same Web resource is to compare, as character strings, the URIs they are using. However, web architecture allows resource owners to assign more than one URI to a resource. To my mind, this makes the ideas presented in this section flow much more smoothly. 2.3.1 URI ambiguity arises ^when^ a URI is used to identify two different Web resources. 4.1 Below we describe some characteristics of a data format ^which^ make it easier to integrate into the Web architecture. This document does not address generally beneficial characteristics of a specification such as readability, simplicity, attention to programmer goals, attention to user needs, accessibility, /and/nor/ internationalization. It is important to emphasize that intuition as to such matters as data size and processing speed /are/is/ not a reliable guide in data format design; quantitative studies are essential to a correct understanding of the trade-offs. 4.2 For more information on -about- versioning strategies and agent behavior... 4.2.2 The policy sets expectations that the Working Group responsible for the namespace may modify it in any way until a certain point in the process ("Candidate Recommendation") at which point W3C constrains the set ^of^ possible changes to the namespace in order to promote stable implementations. 4.2.4 RDF allows well-defined mixing of vocabularies, and allows text and XML to be used as -a- data type values within a statement having clearly defined semantics. 4.3 Experience shows that -the- allowing authors to separate content, presentation, and interaction concerns promotes reuse and device-independence (see [DIPRINCIPLES]); this follows from the principle of orthogonal -of- specifications. This sentence reads rather awkwardly: it's hard to find the finite verb. Here is a possible rewording (which replaces the active with the passive voice, generally considered a Bad Thing, but in this case it pulls "reuse and device-independence" to the beginning, where they belong). Experience shows that reuse and device-independence are promoted by allowing authors to separate the concerns of content, presentation, and interaction; this follows from the principle of orthogonal specifications. See [DIPRINCIPLES]. 4.5.4 Nadia receives -a- representation data from "weather.example.com" in an unfamiliar data format. END
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