Agenda for the 2024-03-20 WebAppSec meeting.

Wednesday, March 20th: 16:00 UTC
California, 12:00 Boston, 16:00 London, 17:00 Berlin)

*Note that we're in the weird time of year after the US shifts to daylight
savings time, but before other countries follow suit. The meeting will be
an hour earlier than usual in Europe, for instance.*
Draft Agenda

   - Web Crypto (@twiss, @javifernandez)
      - Adding Ed25519 and X25519 to Web Crypto: w3c/webcrypto#362
      - Modern Algorithms in the Web Cryptography API
      - Feature detection (e.g. crypto.subtle.supports
   - Mitigations Wiki: #639 <>
   - Reports for frames in Permissions Policy: #537
   - Administrivia (@plehegar)
      - Charter
      - TPAC requests?
      - Introducing @simoneonofri.

If you would like to add an item to the agenda, please open a PR against this

   - *Minutes*:
   - Add these events
   <> to your calendar
   - *Zoom*:
      - Details at


Received on Monday, 18 March 2024 06:57:17 UTC