WebAppSec mtg 20 July 2021 cancelled

There will be no WebAppSec call next Tuesday.

The next scheduled meeting is 17 August at 2pm Boston time (1800 UTC), 
and we hope to have a special meeting on Trusted Types before that, 
timing TBD.

-- Sam

On 7/14/21 3:51 PM, Samuel Weiler wrote:
> We expect to cancel the WG meeting on 20 July 2021 and instead schedule 
> a special meeting on Trusted Types, consistent with my previous message. 
> Please see that message for details.
> (I say tentatively on the off chance that everyone who responds is 
> delighted with the usual timeslot next week.  I do not expect that to 
> happen.)
> -- Sam

Received on Friday, 16 July 2021 13:28:47 UTC