PSA: "same site" definition has changed and moved

Hi folks,

Following a suggestion from Mike West [1], and some subsequent discussion, we've changed the definition of "same site" in [2] and [3]. Things to be aware of:

* "Same site" now takes into account schemes. Use "schemelessly same site" if you don't care about schemes.
* "Same site" and "schemelessly same site" operate on origins now. (Previously "same site" operated on hosts.)
* "Same site" and "schemelessly same site" live in HTML now. (Previously they lived in URL.)

Direct link to the new definitions:

Probably a number of WebAppsSec specs will need updating for this. You can see one such spec update, for Fetch, in [4]. Sorry for the churn, and let me know or file an issue on HTML if you have any concerns!






Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2019 17:50:18 UTC