- From: Artur Janc <aaj@google.com>
- Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 02:13:15 -0800
- To: Mike West <mkwst@google.com>
- Cc: Web Application Security Working Group <public-webappsec@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAPYVjqqoSOyo-s8+e_sVPmAGwn-yTpLSTOzfkS12UiMzpS=fiw@mail.gmail.com>
SGTM on all counts. On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 1:45 AM Mike West <mkwst@google.com> wrote: > Hey folks, > > As discussed on the last call > <https://www.w3.org/2019/02/20-webappsec-minutes.html#item03>, I'd like > for us to think a little bit about how we're using our time on our calls, > and whether it might be reasonable to make some changes. Three come to mind: > > 1. I've heard from some folks (including me!) that the current timeslot > isn't working well. It's early for California, dinnertime in central > Europe, and the middle of the night across Asia. Perhaps it's reasonable to > consider a shift, and perhaps even a rotation between time-zones to allow > access to more folks. As a concrete suggestion to start a conversation: I'd > generally prefer 11:00 Pacific, 20:00 CET (as my kids will safely be in > bed). How unworkable would that be for folks who care about the calls? > > 2. Audio-only conference calls are somewhat awkward. It might be nice to > try out something that includes video/screen-sharing for somewhat more > lively conversations (while, of course, retaining audio-only options for > folks that would prefer for us not to have a camera in their house!). I > suspect that there's a diversity of preferences in this group: Vidyo, > Skype, etc. Hangouts are simplest for me personally, but I'm willing to try > just about anything that works on a Chromebook: the TAG is apparently > having success with https://appear.in/, for instance? > > 3. Scribing in IRC is a pain in the butt. While it's nice to be able to > rely upon the W3C's tooling for autopublication of minutes after a meeting, > other groups have been successful with more dynamic methods. The TAG, for > instance, has been using Cryptpad to take collaborative notes during a > meeting ( > https://cryptpad.w3ctag.org/code/#/2/code/view/PgABV3fUQYNx4vTY8-dCiaaBGUqfwu+jwduYlO6Lzao/), > and then posting the final result to GitHub ( > https://github.com/w3ctag/meetings/blob/gh-pages/2019/02-tokyo/02-07-minutes.md). > That's a model that makes sense to me. Perhaps we could try it out? > > WDYT? > > -mike >
Received on Monday, 25 February 2019 10:13:53 UTC