Proposal: adopt a "test required" policy for spec changes

The W3 leadership has been emphasizing the importance of ensuring
interoperability through Web Platform Tests. Some groups have adopted a
policy of requiring corresponding web-platform-tests pull requests for
before landing normative spec changes. Since interoperability is part of
getting a spec to become a Recommendation this makes sense especially for
specs that are in or entering CR. Should we adopt such a policy?

The Web Performance group adopted the following:
ALL normative spec changes are generally expected to have a
corresponding pull request in web-platforms-tests, either in the form of
new tests or modifications to existing tests, or must include the
rationale for why test updates are not required for the proposed update.
]] <goog_1391446905>
formance/blob/gh-pages/CONTRIB <goog_1391446905>

... and the CSS Working Group adopted one last week:
For normative changes for any specification in CR or later as well as the
pre-CR specifications listed below, a corresponding web-platform-tests PR
must be provided, except if testing is not practical; for other
specifications it is usually appreciated. Typically, both PRs will be
merged at the same time. Note that a test change that contradicts the spec
should not be merged before the corresponding spec change.

Good idea? Objections? Respond on list and we can talk about it on our next
call (Sept 20).

-Dan Veditz

Received on Friday, 8 September 2017 19:48:08 UTC