from November 2017 by subject

[w3c/wcag21] Security of autofill (#590)

affiliated domains: DNS Administrative Boundaries

draft minutes WebAppSec at TPAC

Github notifications->mailing list?

No Conference call next week (Nov 15), new schedule in future

Proposed TPAC Agenda

Signature-based SRI and CDNs


SRI and signatures

Vendor specification of their product's recommended Content-Security-Policy

webappsec-ACTION-218: And dveditz to send call for wide review for referrer policy

webappsec-ACTION-219: And dveditz to send call for wide review for secure contexts

webappsec-ACTION-220: File issue on the spec to match firefox behavior

webappsec-ACTION-221: Figure out new syntax and send to the list

webappsec-ACTION-222: Take a stab a specifying a cors switch "retry without creds on failure"

Why the web needs finer-grained origins

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 November 2017 10:24:14 UTC