Securing the security reviews in W3C - how to proceed ?

Dear all,

As you know, W3C members expressed recently that security was a major topic for the open web platform [1]. Performing security reviews on future recommendations is one possible way to make sure the open web platform stays a secure platform. This email is to get feedbacks from you, and the security community :
- if you believe that creating a pool of security expert, being in charge collectively to perform security review is a reasonable way to achieve that - this is the way IETF is proceeding today,
-  give a chance to declare your interest to participate in this pool of experts, if it were to be created,
- get from you any idea that would help improving the security review efficiency,

Thanks for jumping in that thread if you believe you can help with improving security reviews in W3C !

Virginie Galindo
Web Security IG chair and W3C AB member
Twitter : @poulpita

[1] W3C Highlights and Advisory Committee meeting

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Received on Thursday, 21 July 2016 14:36:27 UTC