Re: [CSP2]Is there a directive dealing with the window.opener.location phishing concern?

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Jerry Qu <> wrote:

> I have read the CSP2 specs (, and I found
> there is no directive to block this situation:
> if ( window.opener != null ) {
>     window.opener.location.replace('');
> }
> Our website offer a web search service, we will open target link in a new
> tab,
> and some 3rd party website website use this script to redirect our page to
> an evil page.
> What can I do for this?

Right now, you can open that window with `<a rel="noreferrer"
target="_blank">`, which will disown the opener in the new window.

This is something we'd like to address in the next iteration of CSP: in the
somewhat near future, you can use whatever we come up with to address


Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 13:38:00 UTC