Re: HSTS Priming, continued.

On 11 November 2015 at 14:50, Eric Mill <> wrote:
> Perhaps, but I'm saying it's a flatly unacceptable amount of latency in
> practice, whether or not it'd make a useful carrot.

Let's try to unpack this concern a little.  I think that there are
three classes of resource:

I think that it's obvious that if the content were active, then the
load should fail without HTTPS.  Unless you are suggesting that a fast
failure is better here(?).  I don't think that it's a deal-breaker.
We might argue that the page is busted anyway*.  [*] Caveat: that's
not true for active content that doesn't touch the rest of the
content, like tracking JS, but I can also live with less of that sort
of thing (and I'm sure DKG will agree).

If I have this right, your main concern is with the potential delay in
loading passive mixed content.  If we have to wait for a timeout
before falling back, that's pretty unpleasant.  However, I think that
at some point in the future, we may want to take that hit.  Given how
much mixed content there is at the moment, that might not be *right

I think that forcing the upgrade for the CORS preflight is a great
idea here.  Even if the content was nominally passive, the fact that
the contents of the resource will be ultimately readable by the origin
makes integrity a real concern.

Received on Thursday, 12 November 2015 00:34:28 UTC