Re: CfC: Mixed Content to PR; deadline July 6th.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Mike West <> wrote:
> I'll poke at MIX this afternoon to bake in the passthrough loophole
> discussed here. It's not entirely clear to me how to distinguish a `fetch()`
> issued from the Document from the `fetch(event.request)` issued from the
> Service Worker (as they'll both have a `context` of "fetch", right? and both
> point to the same `window`?). Perhaps it makes sense to divide the "fetch"
> context into "fetch" and "passthrough-fetch" in the same way we divided
> "image" and "image-set"?

Why do you need to distinguish them? It seems to me you only need to
disallow mixed content when request's window is "no-window", which
would apply to both documents and workers.


Received on Monday, 20 July 2015 12:46:17 UTC