Re: [MIX] PF comments on Mixed Content - accessible indication and user controls

Hi Brad - PF discussed this comment last week and this week. Members of 
the group think it is possible to test the user agent exposure to 
accessibility API of notifications of mixed content. We recognize that 
you may need some guidance, and one of our members has an action to 
provide information about this for one user agent, which will hopefully 
lead to being able to describe it for other user agents as well.

PF discussion:
Cynthia's action

Let us know if you are getting done with your comment processing this 
issue remains open.


On 18/12/2014 11:59 AM, Brad Hill wrote:
> That should be fine, thank you Michael.
> On Thu Dec 18 2014 at 8:20:25 AM Michael Cooper < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi Brad - a similar question was occurring to me as I was writing
>     up the PF response. I'm going to have to go back to the group on
>     it. There are accessibility APIs available, but whether they have
>     features that correspond to security notifications, I don't know.
>     Certainly we wouldn't want to introduce something untestable into
>     the spec. So I'll ask the group to provide concrete guidance for
>     how you would meet your CR exit requirements with this edit.
>     Because of the timing with upcoming holidays, it may be into the
>     beginning of January that we can get solid input from PFWG
>     members. Will that be a problem for your timeline?
>     Michael
>     On 17/12/2014 4:46 PM, Brad Hill wrote:
>>     Michael,
>>     I made them a "SHOULD" rather than "MUST" because I'm not clear
>>     if such APIs always exist and how we can verify conformance to
>>     and interoperability for such a requirement as part of our
>>     REC-track process.  So I thought...
>>     "there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and   carefully weighed before choosing a different course."
>>     But this is likely just my ignorance of the landscape.
>>     Are there examples of similar requirements in other
>>     specifications?  If we are going to make this a MUST, are there
>>     particular APIs we can normatively reference and test frameworks
>>     we can use?
>>     thanks,
>>     Brad
>>     On Wed Dec 17 2014 at 12:38:33 PM Michael Cooper <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>         Thank for your prompt response to the comments filed by the
>>         PFWG. The group thinks the edits made largely address the
>>         comment. The PFWG has one request for the changes
>>         implemented: the "SHOULD" statement you added should be a
>>         "MUST". So the two instances of "... SHOULD also be made
>>         available through accessibility APIs..." we request be
>>         changed to "... MUST also be made available through
>>         accessibility APIs...".
>>         The rationale is that these requirements are very important
>>         for situations to which they apply. They only apply when the
>>         relevant conditions stated in the rest of the paragraph are
>>         active. So they are not across-the-board requirements - but
>>         are critical when applicable. These relate to the
>>         requirements of User Agent Accessibility Guidelines success
>>         criteria 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
>> (Those are provided for
>>         reference, not as a request to add those to the specification.)
>>         Michael
>>         On 11/12/2014 6:53 AM, Mike West wrote:
>>>         Brad's changes look reasonable to me. I've merged his patch,
>>>         and will be happy to make further changes if deemed necessary.
>>>         Thanks for reviewing the spec!
>>>         -mike
>>>         --
>>>         Mike West < <>>,
>>>         @mikewest
>>>         Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München,
>>>         Germany, Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891,
>>>         Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg, Geschäftsführer: Graham Law,
>>>         Christine Elizabeth Flores
>>>         (Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to
>>>         emails. Bleh.)
>>>         On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Brad Hill <
>>>         <>> wrote:
>>>             Thank you, Michael.
>>>             Please let me know if you believe the following changes
>>>             are sufficient:
>>>             -Brad Hill
>>>             From: Michael Cooper < <>>
>>>             Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 9:58 AM
>>>             To: "
>>>             <>"
>>>             <
>>>             <>>, WAI Liaison
>>>             < <>>
>>>             Subject: [MIX] PF comments on Mixed Content - accessible
>>>             indication and user controls
>>>             Resent-From: <
>>>             <>>
>>>             Resent-Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 9:58 AM
>>>                 The Protocols and Formats Working Group has reviewed
>>>                 the Mixed Content specification and has two comments:
>>>                 1) Section 4.3 - UI Requirements
>>>                 <>
>>>                 There is a requirement that the UI have a visual
>>>                 indication as to whether the connection is secure or
>>>                 not:
>>>                     If a request for optionally blockable passive
>>>                     resources which are mixed content is not treated
>>>                     as active content (per requirement #3 above),
>>>                     then the user agent MUST NOT provide the user
>>>                     with a visible indication that the top-level
>>>                     browsing context which loaded that resource is
>>>                     secure (for instance, via a green lock icon).
>>>                     The user agent SHOULD instead display a visible
>>>                     indication that mixed content is present.
>>>                 It is important to have a requirement that the
>>>                 indication is also available to assistive
>>>                 technology. Current implementations have an image
>>>                 icon that is not made available to accessibility APIs.
>>>                 2) Section 4.4 - User Controls
>>>                 <>
>>>                 There are some MAY statements about user agents
>>>                 offering controls to limit exposure to blockable
>>>                 passive content and active mixed content.  Such
>>>                 controls need to be available to the assistive
>>>                 technology as well.
>>>                 For the PFWG,
>>>                 Michael Cooper

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 20:15:47 UTC