Re: [MIX] Require HTTPS scripts to be able to anything HTTP scripts can do.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Mark Watson <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Chris Palmer <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 1:32 PM, Mark Watson <> wrote:
>> > How about if a page could declare, in the first HTML page that is
>> > downloaded, that it intends to use mixed content. In this case the UX is
>> > made identical to an http page, though under the covers HTTPS is used
>> for
>> > many of the resources.
>> >
>> > In the case where the user explicitly typed "https://..." or clicked
>> on a
>> > link that was explicitly visible as https, you might want to show an
>> > explicit warning. But most of the time users are just typing the domain
>> > name, getting redirected from the http:// version or clicking on search
>> > engine results (where visible indication of https could be suppressed
>> for
>> > such sites).
>> The burden is not on users to declare they want security.
>> The burden is on site operators -- who at least nominally have the
>> knowledge and the ability -- to provide at least the bare minimum.
> Sure, but I was addressing the question of whether there was a way to
> allow mixed content without giving misleading indications to users. A site
> that is almost entirely HTTPS, but with HTTP used to retrieve some data
> resources, seems to be better than having the site entirely HTTP, no ? My
> suggestion is that the appropriate UX in that case is the same as an HTTP
> site, even though the security properties might be better.

That sounds plausible too. So two options on the table so far are:

* Use the passive-mixed-content treatment, the locked yellow triangle on
* Use the http treatment: the non-lock document on, subject to future changes
per [Marking HTTP As Non-Secure].

(I suppose the third option so far is "OMG Don't do this !!1!!1" :)

There's another dimension here around whether "Powerful Features" could
work on such pages, but I think that's a separate topic from the one Tim

My second paragraph was entirely a pre-emptive response to the point that
> *some users* do explicitly ask for security - by explicitly typing HTTPS -
> and so one should be careful not just to downgrade them without warning.
> ...Mark

Received on Monday, 5 January 2015 22:09:39 UTC