Re: [webappsec] Agenda for MONDAY Teleconference 2014-10-20, 12:00 PDT

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Mike West <> wrote:
> Point taken regarding hooks from Fetch. It's not clear to me what the best
> way to manage that sort of thing is; do you already have ideas about how
> you'd like such a hook to look?

Something similar to what we have now. I pass you some objects, you
return a boolean. (HSTS and REFERRER are harder of course. At least as
long as we attempt to keep the hook from having side effects, which
seems like a good thing.)

(If you like to write small documents with lots of boilerplate over a
single document with multiple chapters, up to you I guess. I'd rather
review a single document on security-related policies. The alternative
is finding the right links and hope I got them all and that they're
all the latest, and is annoying at times.)


Received on Monday, 20 October 2014 15:09:36 UTC