Re: [webappsec + webapps] CORS to PR plans

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Brad Hill <> wrote:
> 1. Changed "Fetch" references.  The CR document referenced the WHATWG Fetch
> spec in a number of places.  This was problematic due to the maturity /
> stability requirements of the W3C for document advancement, and I feel also
> inappropriate, as the current Fetch spec positions itself as a successor to
> CORS, not a reference in terms of which CORS is defined.

Pretty sure CORS didn't reference the Fetch Standard. Given that the
Fetch Standard is written after I wrote CORS, that would be somewhat

> 8. In response to thread beginning at:
> added 204 as a valid code equivalent to 200 for the CORS algorithm.

I think implementations are moving towards allowing the whole 200-299
range. (Fetch Standard codifies that, at least.)


Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2013 00:18:35 UTC