Recent CSP edits

On the last telecon, I was given a handful of editing tasks for CSP
1.0.  I believe my CSP 1.0 editing queue is now empty.

1) This patch allows servers to send multiple Content-Security-Policy headers.

2) This patch removes the draconian error handling for including a
comma in a CSP policy.  Combined with the previous patch, these
patches cause user agents to split the Content-Security-Policy on
comma before feeding it to the policy parser (thanks to a bit of ABNF

3) This patch changes the error handling behavior for parsing host
expressions in source lists.  As discussed, we'll now ignore the stuff
after a "/" so that we can later introduce semantics for that syntax
(e.g., to restrict fetching resources by path as well).


Received on Friday, 18 May 2012 20:16:33 UTC