Call for Consensus (CfC): UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values & code Values Specs – Transition to Proposed Recommendation

Dear Web Apps WG Members,

Gary Kačmarčík (Google) has confirmed that the following specifications have obtained adequate implementation experience and are now ready for transition to Proposed Recommendation status:

UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values
The latest version of the spec is available here:
GitHub issue for comments:

UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values
The latest version of the spec is available here:
GitHub issue for comments:

We are issuing this Call for Consensus (CfC) to transition both of these specifications to Proposed Recommendation.

To show support for the transition, please add a 👍 in the respective GitHub issue by 28th October 2024.

If you'd like to raise a Formal Objection to publishing either of these documents, please do so by using a 👎 by the same deadline, and include the rationale either as a GitHub comment or via email to the working group.

If no objections are raised, we will consider consensus to have been reached and proceed with the transition.

Best regards,
Marcos Caceres, Léonie Watson, Xiaoqian Wu
Web Apps WG Chairs and W3C Staff Contact

Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2024 04:58:22 UTC