Call for Consensus (CfC): IntersectionObserver Spec – Transition to CSS WG

Dear Web Apps WG Members,

During the Web Apps WG meeting at TPAC 2024, we discussed transferring certain aspects of the IntersectionObserverwork to the CSS Working Group. Following these discussions, the CSS WG has agreed to adopt the IntersectionObserver specification in their next chartering period.

This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to formally move the IntersectionObserver specification from the Web Apps WG to the CSS WG.

For more details, you can review the meeting minutes from both the Web Apps WG and CSS WG:

Web Apps WG minutes:
CSS WG discussion:
The latest version of the IntersectionObserver spec is available here:

Please provide your feedback or indicate your support by 28 October 2024. If you would like to raise a Formal Objection to this transition, please do so by this deadline, and include the rationale either as a comment on GitHub (in the issue here: or via email.

If no objections are raised, this will be considered as reaching consensus, and the transition will proceed.

Thank you for your attention and contributions.

Best regards,
Marcos Caceres, Léonie Watson, Xiaoqian Wu
Web Apps WG Chairs and W3C Staff Contact

Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2024 04:11:25 UTC