CfC to publish DeviceOrientation Event CR Snapshot - review by 11 March

Hi DAS+WebApps WGs,

This is a Call for Consensus to publish the DeviceOrientation Event specification as a new Candidate Recommendation Snapshot (CRS).

Please review the latest Working Draft [1] that will be used as the basis for this publication and reply to this mail by 12 March 2024 if you have any concerns with this publication plan. Silence is considered consent.

The intent of this publication is to match current implementations. An issue triage meeting was organized on 12 Feb 2024 [3] and the remaining open issues [4] were considered non-blocking for this publication.

Wide review status is tracked in [5]. No concerns raised to date. Both a11y and privacy reviews are expected to be closed this week, i18n and security reviews have been completed. TAG review is in flight.

Summary of notable changes since the previous publication:

This specification became a joint deliverable between the Devices and Sensors Working Group and WebApps Working Group on 21 February 2024. The DeviceOrientation Event specification was previously published as a Candidate Recommendation Snapshot-equivalent in August 2016 and was retired in 2017 due to the Geolocation Working Group closure. In 2019 Devices and Sensors Working Group adopted this specification and during 2019-2024 made substantial interoperability, test automation, privacy and editorial improvements as outlined in the Changes section [2].

An update to the status of this document is staged in [6] and welcomes review, including for the Proposed Rec transition requirements.

The chairs will consider all feedback including from wide reviews currently in flight prior to this transition.

Thank you for your contributions and support that make this publication happen.

On behalf of the DAS WG and WebApps WG chairs,

-Anssi (DAS WG co-chair)


Received on Monday, 4 March 2024 14:58:44 UTC