WebApps WG: You need to rejoin

Hello WebApps WG,

We have adopted the latest release of the W3C Process which means the 
WebApps WG has been rechartered, and that means you will need to rejoin 
if you want to continue participating.

The WebApps WG charter is the same as it was before, except that it now 
references Process 2020. You can find it here:

If you work for a member organisation please ask your Advisory Committee 
(AC) representative to rejoin the WebApps WG and to nominate you for 
membership. This can be done here:

If you are an Invited Expert (IE) please contact team-webapps@w3.org.

Léonie and Marcos - WebAppsWG co-chairs

Director @TetraLogical

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2020 09:50:04 UTC