Fwd: Heads-up on switching your Working Group to the new Patent Policy 2020


WebApps will be moving to the latest release of the W3C Process. This 
email is FYI about what'll be happening in the next few weeks.

Any questions, let us know.

Léonie and Marcos - WebApps co-chairs.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Heads-up on switching your Working Group to the new Patent 
Policy 2020
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 17:25:30 -0500
From: Philippe Le Hegaret <plh@w3.org>
Organisation: World Wide Web Consortium
To: Tess O'Connor <eoconnor@apple.com>, Léonie Watson 
<lwatson@tetralogical.com>, Michael[tm] Smith <mike@w3.org>, Xiaoqian Wu 
CC: w3t-archive@w3.org <w3t-archive@w3.org>

Dear Chairs, Team Contacts,

You opted-in to switch your Working Group charter to the Patent Policy 2020.

The current plan is to send a new Call for Participation for your
Working Group on December 11. At this point, current participants will
have 45 days to rejoin the Working Group (until the 29th of January).
Reminders will be sent to your Working Group participants prior to that
date (but expect some to be late in any case).

On December 11, our repository manager will also start flagging pull
requests from individuals whose organizations have not yet rejoined the
Working Group. Those member organizations should rejoin so that their
participants' pull requests can be accepted.

If you have any questions or concerns prior to the new Call for
Participation on December 11, please don't hesitate to let me know. Once
the Call for Participation is issued, it will be too late.

Thank you,


Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2020 08:09:54 UTC