> Anne is a male, not female, just FYI ;)
You really surprised me. Now, I know this mail list is not to talk
about tech issue, but focusing on something else, such as to teach
other people not to be sexist, to be polite, etc.

Previously Anne sent me this:
> It certainly doesn't help that you repeatedly violated
> and continue to use sexist
> language:
and I apologized for what is being accused as follows:
Oh. For this, I do apologize I do not know "guys" means anything. As
previously, I noticed a female called other girls "you guys", so I
thought it is just the language. I had several female programmers as
colleague. Please believe me I am not a sexist and please let's focus
on the tech issue at hand.

And previously Chaals & leonie watson, they did not respond on tech
issue, but on something else.
Clearly, their behaviour reflected that they are incompetent
professionals, so what they are able to do is not tech itself.

Jack (Zhan, Hua Ping詹华平)

Received on Friday, 13 October 2017 16:01:14 UTC