- From: Chaals McCathie Nevile <chaals@yandex-team.ru>
- Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2016 01:20:14 +0100
- To: "public-webapps WG" <public-webapps@w3.org>
Dear all, as you probably know, the W3C will hold its Technical Plenary meeting this year in Lisbon, September 19-23. Rather than meet for several days in plenary, with an hour or two for any given topic we are considering an approach that gives more focused time to a few important areas of work. We propose people ask for time to work on a particular topic - an hour, half a day, a day, and we'll have a look at how many people would like to attend each piece. If there are other topics you don't want to clash with, e.g. because of significant overlap, please say so. We will have to reserve the physical spaces by the end of this month, which means while we might be able to shuffle individual meetings a bit, we need to know pretty soon what sort of meetings we should be trying to accommodate. We anticipate having a plenary session on the final day, which will mostly be a quick wrap on what happened for each group that met, and a quick run-down of all the other work we have - much as webapps has traditionally done at the *start* of its TPAC meetings in the past. As well as feedback on what meetings you think you will need, we of course appreciate feedback on the plan itself. As a reminder, we can organise meetings on topics throughout the year, although we try to give at *least* 8 weeks notice so people can plan ahead. Feel free to contact the chairs or team contacts and ask for help organising a meeting. It's not that hard, but getting the basics right helps everyone. cheers Chaals (for the chairs) -- Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex chaals@yandex-team.ru - - - Find more at http://yandex.com
Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2016 00:22:06 UTC