Re: [clipboard] kill onbefore* events?

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 2:43 AM, Grisha Lyukshin <> wrote:
> Killing them doesn't sound like the right course of action. We would have to come up
> with another API  so we can have an alternative to what before cut/copy/paste do.

True, it's a use case we should handle.

* automagically enable commands if there are corresponding event
listeners (Opera Presto model)
  * Pros: "just works", no extra APIs, page authors don't need to
learn nor do anything extra
  * Cons: registering event listeners is not "supposed to" have side
effects, W3C specs are not "supposed to" go into UX territory, web
apps may want to sometimes leave the commands disabled after all when
it doesn't make sense to execute them

* Add a new API method like document.setCommandEnabled('paste', false)
  * Pros: Simpler and more straightforward than the onbefore*
event-based model, can be integrated with queryCommandEnabled(), gives
web apps fine grained control of when to enable/disable stuff
  * Cons: I think the editing spec people are trying to move away from
those legacy document.* commands and may not be celebrating the
opportunity of adding a new one.. Also, we don't really want to let
sites disable these commands at will - we want them to *enable* them
when it makes sense but not *disable* them when the UA would otherwise
enable them, to prevent nuisance and "copyright protection"-style

Are there any other options?

> Why can't we fire these events regardless of content editability and do actual editability
> check during the execution of the execcommands?

That's the plan :) - the spec requires the browser to fire a paste
event if the user for example presses ctrl-v regardless of whether the
context can handle a paste or not. However, the *menu* command state
(and thus the user's actual ability to trigger the command any other
way than by shortcut keys) would depend on the onbefore* handling or
some equivalent API we'd have to invent. Or the magic solution ;)
-Hallvord R

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2016 12:53:43 UTC