- From: Grisha Lyukshin <glyuk@microsoft.com>
- Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 01:43:18 +0000
- To: Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen <hsteen@mozilla.com>, Gary Kacmarcik (Кошмарчик) <garykac@chromium.org>
- CC: WebApps WG <public-webapps@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BY2PR03MB160AA9F694E77CBB3C4E540ADD00@BY2PR03MB160.namprd03.prod.outlook.com>
Killing them doesn't sound like the right course of action. We would have to come up with another API so we can have an alternative to what before cut/copy/paste do. Why can't we fire these events regardless of content editability and do actual editability check during the execution of the execcommands? --grisha Sent from Outlook<http://aka.ms/weboutlook> ________________________________ From: Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen <hsteen@mozilla.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:53:09 AM To: Gary Kacmarcik (Кошмарчик) Cc: WebApps WG Subject: Re: [clipboard] kill onbefore* events? The use case these events were meant to fulfil is described here: https://w3c.github.io/clipboard-apis/#determining-ui-state In short: they allow you to tell the UA to enable copy/cut/paste commands even when they would normally be disabled. On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 11:48 PM, Gary Kacmarcik (Кошмарчик) <garykac@chromium.org<mailto:garykac@chromium.org>> wrote: I'm not very familiar with onbefore{cut|paste|copy}, but they sound like very specialized versions of the beforeinput event. What do these events provide that you don't get from handling beforeinput? (well, other than the upcoming context "I'm about to do a cut/paste/copy") On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 2:00 PM, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen <hsteen@mozilla.com<mailto:hsteen@mozilla.com>> wrote: Hi, there's some scepticism about implementing onbeforecut/onbeforepaste/onbeforecopy in Gecko [1], IE's implementation seems considerably more limited than I expected (maybe because of bugs?), and it doesn't really seem like an elegant solution to the use case it is meant to solve. Would anybody mind if we killed those events? [1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=596764 -Hallvord R
Received on Thursday, 4 February 2016 01:43:53 UTC