RfC: Service Workers and "Portable Web Publications for the Open Web Platform"

Hi All,

The Digital Publishing Interest Group [1] is seeking feedback regarding 
the use of Service Workers in their early draft (WIP) of "Portable Web 
Publications for the Open Web Platform", in particular section 5.1 
"General Architecture for Online/Offline Publications":


Please note Service Workers is new to the group and the above section 
contains "some preliminary discussion (assumptions?) about Service 
Workers" and the IG "want to make sure that we are headed in the right 
direction, and we have not made incorrect assumptions about Service 

If you have any comments about their document please send them to the 
IG's public-digipub-ig list (archive [2]).

The IG welcomes discussion and feedback during their October 19 
conference call (if interested, please contact Tzviya) and/or during 
TPAC. Although WebApps meets on Monday and Tuesday and the IG meets on 
Thursday and Friday, if there is interest in a joint meeting, my 
understanding is that some set of IG members can meet during WebApps' 
meeting (see agenda at [3] for open slots).

Alex, Jake, Jungkee - perhaps you could meet with some of the IG members 
during the October 27 Service Worker meeting. WDYT?

-Thanks, AB

[1] <http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Main_Page>
[2] <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-digipub-ig/>
[3] <https://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/October2015Meeting>

Received on Monday, 5 October 2015 12:00:59 UTC