Re: Are web components *seriously* not namespaced?

I created a prototype of this idea on github: by
forking the original webcomponents.js project.
It contains a working example of this concept. Below the content of the file:

This fork of webcomponents.js enhances Document.registerElement so that the
options argument can contain a 'namespace' property which contains an XHTML
namespaceURI e.g. so you can put a custom
element in another namespace than, which is
the default when no namespace is specified. The custom element registry is
now a 2 dimensional lookup table. First the namespaceURI is looked up and
then the localname of the custom Element. An example usage can be found at
Here two custom elements are defined with the same name 'bigbutton'
(without dashes) but with different namespaces "" and "".
When webcomponents.js is build you can test this file on a browser not
natively implementing Document.registerElement e.g. Firefox An important
change is to no longer use the HTML-specific onclick functions etc. but the
generic DOM AddEventListener pattern. The registration of the components
using the extra 'namespace' property is done in
The example component 'Big Red Button' is based on a webcomponent sample
from Robin Berjon's presentation 'Distributed Extensibility: Finally Done
Right?' on XML Prague 2014.

When this will be implemented in the official Custom Element specification
it will be possible to polyfill XHTML with for example XForms by
implementing each XForm component using custom components. Or MathML.

I'll be happy to hear your comments and suggestions.

Received on Monday, 21 September 2015 19:44:49 UTC