Re: PSA: publishing new WD of Service Workers on June 25

>     Invoke Run Service Worker algorithm with serviceWorker as the arguement [sic].
> Fetch invokes Handle Fetch with request. As a result of performing Handle Fetch, the Service Woker [sic] returns a response to Fetch.
>    If the client request is under the scope of a service worker registration, appplication [sic] cache is completely bypassed regardless of whether the client request uses the service worker registration.

> Events that correspond to network requests are dispatched to the worker and the responses generated by the worker may over-ride* default network stack behavior.


>        Let the origin attribute of e be initialized to the Unicode serialisation* of the origin specified by the incumbent settings object.
> Service workers define the following behaviours* for install event and activate event:

> When a service worker client is controlled by an active worker, it is considered the service worker client is using the active worker's containing service worker registration.

this is awkward, you might add `that` after `it is`

> This is conceptually the same operation that UA does maximum once per every 24 hours.

this is awkward, you might add `the` before `UA`, `a` after `does` and
`of` before `once`.

> Run the following substeps in parallel:
> 1. CheckRegistration: If the result of running Match Service Worker Registration algorithm, or its equivalent, with clientURL as its argument is not null, then:
> 1.1. Set registration to the result value.
> 2. Else:

Else seems odd for ` parallel`

> 2.1. Wait until scope to registration map has a new entry.
> 2.2. Jump to the step labeled CheckRegistration.

cat spec|grep 'in parallel' | perl -pne 's/\s*,.*,\s*/ ... /;s/.*(
run)/$1/;s/(the ).*( handler)/$1...$2/;s/^\s*/> /'|sort|uniq -c|sort
-n|perl -pne 's/(?:\s*)(\d*)\s*(.*)\n/$2 [$1]\n/'
> Return the ... handler ... performs the following substeps in parallel: [1]
> Return the ... handler that performs the following substeps in parallel: [1]
> Run the following in parallel: [1]
> Set p to the ... handler that ... performs the following substeps in parallel: [1]
> run the following substeps in parallel: [1]
> Return the ... handler that ... performs the following substeps in parallel: [4]
> run the following substeps in parallel. [4]
> Run these steps in parallel: [7]
> Run the following substeps in parallel: [10]

* you use <steps|substeps> interchangeably afaict; you sometimes don't
use *steps...
* you use <.|:> interchangeably
* various other inconsistent stylistic elements can be seen from the
above list...
* in parallel isn't defined, but it sounds like you mean "in parallel
to the main sequence" not "in parallel to themselves", I'd strongly
encourage a definition.

> The following are the event handlers (and its corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported,

event handlers [plural!] (and its ...)
its => their

> The service worker registration's installing worker changes. (See step 8 of the Install algorithm).
> A WindowClient object has an associated focus state, which is either true or false. (Initially false).

misplaced `.`

> When event.respondWith(r) method is invoked, the argument, r, must resolve with a Response, else a network error is returned to Fetch.

`must .. else` is an odd construct. normally `or` is appropriate...

> The Cache objects do not expire unless authors delete the entries.

`objects ... the entries` is odd

the entries => them | objects => object entries ??

> This implies that authors should version their caches by name and make sure to **use the caches only from the version of the service worker that can safely operate on**.

... => to only use caches that can be safely operated by the current
version of the service worker.

> Cache objects are always enumerable via self.caches in insertion order (per ECMAScript 6 Map objects.)
> Resolve p with the result of running the algorithm specified in match(request, options) method of Cache interface with request and options as the arguments (providing entry.[[value]] as thisArgument to the [[Call]] internal method of match(request, options).)

misplaced `.` (the other way...)

> If r's method is neither `GET` nor `HEAD` and options.ignoreMethod is false, resolve promise with an empty array.
> If options.ignoreMethod is false and request.method is neither "GET" nor "HEAD", then:

you usually use ``s instead of ""s around GET/HEAD, which I found
weird, but here you didn't do that, which I find even weirder...

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2015 04:23:22 UTC