Re: Stability of Widget DigSig

[ + Marcos and Frederick ]

Hi Andrew,

The group stopped working on XML Digital Signature for Widgets several 
years ago and there is no plan to resume work (except to process errata 
as required).

Marcos, Frederick - this spec's namespace document includes the 
following statement:


Implementers should be aware that this document is not stable.

Any objections from you or anyone else to remove this statement?

-Thanks, ArtB

On 5/7/15 5:55 AM, Andrew Twigger wrote:
> ATSC and CEA are developing standards that include the ability to 
> download digital signed applications. Their current specifications 
> reference the W3C Recommendation for XML Digital Signature for Widgets 
> (18 April 2013).  However, the associated Widgets Digital Signature 
> Namespace ( contains a statement 
> that “Implementers should be aware that this document is not stable.” 
> which has raised questions as to the stability and suitability of 
> referencing Widget DigSig.  The alternative would be to reference 
> XAdES with the C and T forms to allow for the inclusion of timestamp 
> and certificate revocation information which are not included in 
> Widget DigSig.
> I would be pleased to receive any information regarding the stability 
> of Widget DigSig and whether referencing XAdES would provide a better 
> alternative.
> Thank-you,
> Andrew Twigger

Received on Friday, 8 May 2015 11:15:18 UTC