Re: {Spam?} Re: [xhr]

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Glenn Maynard <> wrote:
> My only issue is the wording: it doesn't make sense to have normative
> language saying "you must not use this feature".  This should be a
> non-normative note warning that this shouldn't be used, not a normative
> requirement telling people that they must not use it.  (This is a more
> general problem--the use of normative language to describe authoring
> conformance criteria is generally confusing.)

This is indeed just that general "problem" that some people have with
normative requirements on authors.  I've got no problem with
normatively requiring authors to do (or not do) things; the
restrictions can then be checked in validators or linting tools, and
give those tools a place to point to as justification.


Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2014 21:02:41 UTC