Re: [clipboard] Clipboard API Mandatory Data Types

While I do not know the Safari-Desktop-implementation right now, I know that Apple's UTI has a URL type.
See here:
It would be interesting to see a statement of Apple somewhere committing to these types but I can't find that.


On 25 juin 2014, at 07:37, Ben Peters <> wrote:

> The Clipboard API spec has a section on Mandatory Data Types [1]. It
> says "The implementation must recognise the native OS clipboard format
> description for the following data types", and contains a list of 14
> mime types. Most of them have clear purposes, but a few seem arbitrary
> to me. Since I haven't been around the group long enough to know all
> the history, can someone help me clear these up?
> text/uri-list :
> This seems like a Windows specific data type. Does Mac or Linux have a
> "OS clipboard format description" for this?
> text/css, application/javascript, application/json :
> What is the use case here? Why would there be code on the clipboard in
> it's own format instead of just text/plain that happened to be code?
> Separately, do we want to apply this to Drag and Drop as well?
> Thanks!
> Ben
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2014 07:01:09 UTC