Re: [webappsec + webapps] CORS to PR plans

OK, tests at:

Show that at least Blink and Firefox interop on the full range of 200
status codes, so I'll update the edited PR appropriately and reset the CfC.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Brad Hill <> wrote:

> Anne,
>  Sorry for the delayed reply.
>  If you look at the diff-marked version, you'll see the links to WHATWG
> Fetch that I updated.
>   As far as the full range of success status codes, if you look at Boris
> Zbarsky's comments in the thread linked, it seems that Firefox was only
> planning to implement 204.
>   I will consider the CfC suspended until I get some tests running to
> determine the actual implementation status in various browsers, and we can
> expand the list to whatever will interop.
> -Brad
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Anne van Kesteren <>wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Brad Hill <> wrote:
>> > 1. Changed "Fetch" references.  The CR document referenced the WHATWG
>> Fetch
>> > spec in a number of places.  This was problematic due to the maturity /
>> > stability requirements of the W3C for document advancement, and I feel
>> also
>> > inappropriate, as the current Fetch spec positions itself as a
>> successor to
>> > CORS, not a reference in terms of which CORS is defined.
>> Pretty sure CORS didn't reference the Fetch Standard. Given that the
>> Fetch Standard is written after I wrote CORS, that would be somewhat
>> improbable.
>> > 8. In response to thread beginning at:
>> >,
>> > added 204 as a valid code equivalent to 200 for the CORS algorithm.
>> I think implementations are moving towards allowing the whole 200-299
>> range. (Fetch Standard codifies that, at least.)
>> --

Received on Monday, 12 August 2013 19:25:29 UTC