Re: IndexedDB: Thoughts on implementing IndexedDB

On 7/30/13 4:37 AM, ext wrote:
>> Finally, is there a good test suite? I can't seem to find anything in the
>> way of regression tests. I'll perhaps publish my own, if not.
> +1, I've developed my own In-Memory implementation as a polyfill to
> ignore a bug on Chrome regarding to files storage and I'm also
> thinking about develop one for Node.js, and this would be really
> useful. I believe there are some tests on W3C GitHub account, but
> didn't have time to check them myself.

Some IDB tests have been submitted 
and [1] contains some information about the review status of these 

([2] contains general information about WebApps' testing effort.)


[2] <>

Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2013 11:07:56 UTC