Re: [PUSH API] Request for CFC on publication of new WD

> The most usual scenario I can foresee is an application server sending the notifications to the web app instance(s). In any case nothing precludes that a server-less webapp acts as an app server and sends notification to the Push Server for delivery to other instances of the webapp.
Good to know then :-)

>> Also, is spected to have some type of federation
>> between the diferents Push Server, or it's suposed each one is
>> isolated from the others?
> This API does not mandate any concrete deployment option. Different alternatives may be possible in terms of the communication between the Push Server and the UA. So Push Servers can work in an isolated fashion, but a federated scenario is also possible.
This means is implementation dependent to support push federation?

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Received on Friday, 12 July 2013 13:53:26 UTC